What You Should Know

It’s important to remember that your property and its presentation are important assets. If you have clients, or even more important, potential clients, it is crucial to make a great first impression. Day porter services are typically performed during busy times. Porters deftly work in and around the public, monitoring both cleanliness and safety. High traffic areas have unique cleaning needs. Such areas require constant cleaning and checking for debris, dirt and things that may cause accidents such as falls.

Their job is not confined to the bathrooms leaving them in the spotlight and in constant interaction with people around. This means that they have to have people skills that enable them to communicate and interact with others efficiently.

Our porter services include everything necessary to keep your business running smoothly throughout the day.

What Common Services Include

  • Lobby Management
  • General Maintenance
  • Restroom Maintenance
  • Trash Removal
  • Spill Clean Up
  • Supply Stocking

Mostly, they are employed in buildings that have a lot of traffic flowing in and out. Day porter services are often used in these areas: Retail Stores, Hotels & Motels, Food Courts, Offices, Arenas, Event Venues, Transportation Sites.

Things To Ask Before Hiring A Day Porter

Remember that the condition, in this case the cleanliness and safety, of the building is important to you and those accessing it. For you to achieve this, here are some things you should check out for before you do the hiring.

Make a background check of the person to be hired. This can be done by us. It is important that we hire someone who can be trusted. We also drug test all our team.

Although skill is usually not an issue, hiring someone who has some experience in the job is an added advantage.

Get to define the roles, rules and regulations depending on your needs. Communicate these in advance. Employees tend to perform best when they understand what is expected of them.

It is always good to inform the employee that sometimes, other small tasks that are not highlighted in his job description may be assigned to him from time to time.

The education level may not be an issue but it is important to hire someone who knows how to read and write. In addition, someone who has some background working as a janitor may be better suited for the position for he already has some experience.

Why Choose Fermar Maintenance?

Luckily we meet all those requirements!…not luckily. another word
Getting a reliable and competent one should be your top priority. Luckily that’s us! we are professional, etc,… Don’t stress about hiring a competent employee for this position. We have a friendly, competent, professional staff with prior experience ready to take care of your needs. Don’t worry about replacing. if there is a problem, Fermar Maintenance will assign someone else to the job. Partnering up with Fermar Maintenance assures a replacement and customer service.

Fermar Maintenance will maintain your Phoenix property so that you’ll confidently know it’s being taken care of and you can focus on the important issues of your business.